Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I've been in a brooding funk for the last few days. It's kinda like when I get into a severely depressive funk, except instead of feeling absolutely immobile from sadness, I've been feeling pensive. Broody. Funky in a broody way. But this year, I'm looking around me and realizing a little more how things are just fucked up.

During the bottom of each year, I usually think about death and dying. It's a seasonal thing. However, instead of pining for relatives and friends who have been long gone (or short gone), I think about the living and how I wish some of them would just die so I can talk with them all the time in that whole communion of saints thing. Then I think that's awfully selfish of me, because if they're not talking with me now, why would they want to talk with me then?, but then I know some of them aren't able to because of physical infirmities, not because they don't want to but because they can't, and then I feel a little better (though a bit self-directed, which I'm more okay with as years pass but I think I'm worrying about appearing selfish instead of continuing to be self-involved or self-conscious or reflectivey or whatever. Woo, tangent).

So the latest mass casualty event from some nut shooting off ammo has resulted in tons more people spouting out about how laws need to change, how gun control needs to be enforced, blah blah blah. It's the same old shit over and over. People go apeshit and stockpile guns and equipment as if they're going to be outlawed, which is not going to happen ever, and I think some kind of horrific record has been set with the amounts purchased. Three and a half years of ammo purchased in three days. What. The. Fuck. Seriously, setting the bar this high is going to result in even more fucked-up-ness next time (and there's always a next time because people are more interested in talking than doing - I'm looking at you, Congress). Priorities really need to change soon, in the focusing-on-helping-other-people beneficial kind of way, with this.

Priorities about money are confusing me right now though. From reading about how people have to worry about credit score while dating to learning about tights that are as good as (if not better than) pantyhose to contemplating why I spend around $800 on pantyhose each year, I'm feeling a little bewildered. I didn't realize pantyhose was "out" although I know plenty of people who hate wearing it and favor wearing flip-flops everywhere. (Oh shit, are flip-flops out yet?)

Unless I'm wearing jeans at work, I wear pantyhose because of several reasons. I'm used to it being mandatory at the office environments I find myself in, for starters. I also like feeling all properly dressed and finished and all professional. I take myself more seriously in hose, anyway, and I know that my self-confidence is boosted when I wear it (and this definitely helps with my being 5'2" and trying to relate professionally to tall people). The mild compression (Sheer Energy represent!) helps me to not worry about having a DVT while stuck at a desk, since I take non-stop birth control pills for the endometriosis, plus the leg support is nice.

Granted, I spend less than $800 on hose because each pair lasts an average of two to four wearings (I'm careful plus am no stranger to using clear nail polish to stop small runs). Whatever I end up not spending on hose due to frugality goes towards insanely awesome apples (Ambrosia represent!), so it's all good, but now I'm wondering how I must sound to my friends on Facebook who don't know me very well.

(Not like I care what people think of me, because I don't, but I'm trying to get into the habit of seeing how I may be perceived by other people. You know, for when I become famous.)

I know as a society, with the crappy economy (and credit score asking now? Really?!?) and slowish recovery, it's considered bad form to brag about being able to afford groceries, or something. Can we like, be happy about having a good job and affording things, at all yet? I may spend a ton of money on pantyhose,  and I can afford to have a car payment for the next (zillion) years, but I do cut back elsewhere. Hell, I cut back elsewhere so I can afford to give money to people in need, when I'm able. Sure I don't have the latest greatest iWidget or Droidy-whatever, and what I have tends to not work well way too much of the time, but what I have makes me happy enough to want to spend my money elsewhere, on other things that make me happy and/or healthy. Like Ambrosia apples. Like Active Release Techniques (tm) for my continually wonky ribs and ankle. Like too many appointments with specialists and nutritional supplements and medications to help me have a decent quality of life instead of being stuck in bed and only able to work not as much as before, continually worried about the next round of disability denial while unemployed. That was me last year, but this year I'm working full time again (for the first time in five years, huzzah!) and able to afford the medical care I need, and able to afford the pantyhose that help me kick ass at what I do. Can I celebrate that out loud yet instead of worrying about offending anyone with my happiness? I still can't afford things that a lot of people have, that make them happy (vacations... hell, even long weekends away from normal life), but that's because my priorities are different. I'm happy with not traveling and seeing the world as often since I am ensuring I have a good quality of life... okay, I could be way happier about that. By a lot. But that's okay. I can deal.

Priorities are different for everyone. Mine are kinda not the same as most people's priorities, I think, but that's okay. Unless most people are expecting to be in a firefight with a well-organized militia, and sorry but I can't help with that. I'm not sure where I was going with all of this except to say I really don't like being in a broody funk because I think way too much. I also don't like not having the energy I remember having a few months ago, when it was warmer and I was bitching about being too hot, because now it's cold and I love the cold but my body is not having a fun time moving with it cold out. I do like these vegetables I'm having for dinner though - I like oven-roasting vegetables with coriander and curry and olive oil, but tonight I found some three-week-old snow peas in the fridge (still good for the most part!) so oven-roasted those with broccoli and red onion in a little bit of thickish teriyaki glaze instead of olive oil because I'm a fucking genius. These veggies are *outstandingly good*.

Monday, December 17, 2012


I feel weird. I've been trying to not get caught up in the national horrified pause with hushed discussions about gun control and mental health post-Sandy Hook. I'd been doing a good job of it, too, until I read the transcript of the speech that cut into Bob's Burgers yesterday. (Hubby and I just turned off the TV when the show was paused. Yay for future reruns.) I misted up a bit, then felt awkward.

See, I've known since I was 20 that I don't want to have children. Why? (Damn, I wish I knew where my list of reasons was. That'd save me a lot of braining right now.) Among other smaller reasons lost in the fibro fog:

1 - I have a frightening amount of health issues that I would not wish on anyone else, and imho, to intentionally create a human with potential to have said issues is just horribly irresponsible. It's not just that there are a lot of issues - it's a lot of interconnected small issues with the bigger issues. Sure, I kicked the ass of triple negative breast cancer, but the treatment for that was a bit harsh on my system, and I'd already been dealing with endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and familial hypertension before that. Since then, with the Primary Sjogren's Syndrome and related occasional gastritis and mild gastroparesis, and the never-ending prescription roulette and dosage adjustment carousel, things kinda suck more. The long-standing genetic depression doesn't help, either. No way I'd intentionally inflict all of this on my own child/ren.

2 - You know that expression about how having a child is like having your heart walking around outside of your body? I would so suck with that. I would very much spectacularly epically fail with that. I would have to be committed long term if anything happened to my offspring. I can see myself totally cracking and having a complete breakdown. This is mostly why I've been avoiding as much as possible a lot of news about the aftermath of the shootings - sometimes having a sensitive heart really fucking sucks. Yes, I'm using caregiver-type coping skills and talking with people privately about related topics, but if I stop to really think about it for more than two minutes I'd just stop crying in about 3 days. Focusing on promoting needed changes in productive dialogue re: mental health and gun control is a much better use of my energy. I'll grieve with the collective another day.

3 - I would also be a horrible parent, with micromanaging due to overworrying. I'm afraid I would end up being one of those stage mothers that embarrasses their kids through smothering thick gooey love, and That Is Not Okay. That Is Not Okay At All. I also would be a horrible parent with not having the energy to care for a child. I can barely manage to take care of myself some days, even with a TON of awesome medications and nutritional supplements and an Extremely Helpful Husband. You parents who have to deal with autoimmune/chronic illnesses while raising children get 5 standing ovations and a bouquet of boxes of chocolate and vodka from me. Those of you who desperately want children but are unable to have any of your own get those plus extra gentle hugs from me. I know that sure, adoption is doable in most cases, and I am totally all for adoption!, but I also know it wouldn't be the same as having your own heart walking around outside of your body, and hopefully combined with the heart of someone you love on top of that.

Hubby likewise doesn't want children, and we wouldn't be married to each other if either of us had wanted children. He'd rather have the money, as would I, which is part of why I feel weird, but the decision to have and raise a child is more than that and is a way huge deal. Too many non-fit parents are out there; knowing that I would likely be one on top of passing down the health crap makes me feel that *not* having kids is my responsibility. I'm happy to interact with children of all ages (I have a degree in PK-12 vocal music education after all!) but I'm very relieved and glad that I don't have any of my own to care for. I'd do much better with critters anyway. It'd be ideal to have a Samoyed or Chocolate Lab or a Nebelung or an iguana or bearded dragons or guinea pigs or a chinchilla or combination of critters, knowing I wouldn't hurt as much if something terrible happened. I was a mess when my chinchilla died and I still miss my Nebelung but it's all good because I never had to deal with caring for part of me outside of me. I don't think I would ever get over any of that, over the joy and wonder and heartbreak and worry and worry and much more worry and micromanaging and laughter and sunshine and tears.... it's too much for me to handle, and I'm not ashamed to say so. I don't consider myself weak at all - it's just not in my programming. Some people are wired this way. And now I'm rambling.

I could ramble on about the mental health and gun control issues, but I won't. Suffice it to say that there should be way more education and yearly maintenance of gun permit/licensure requirements, and that there should not be a stigma about getting needed help for mental health. Health is health. Education can prevent loss of life. These are not difficult concepts to put into livable reality.

To those of you with children, treat them very well. Love them like you love yourself. Love yourself like you love them. You never know when they might be gone forever. You never know when you'll be gone forever. Both of my parents have been deceased for years (just over 24 for mom and almost 7 for dad), and thinking about how they would be living and reacting now if they were alive is such a trip. I can see parts of both of them in myself, and I'm so thankful that they helped to shape me into who I've become so far, but a part of me is extra appreciative of the sacrifices they made to make sure that I had a nice experience with growing up. All children should have a good experience with life. We need to make sure that adult children get the care they need and also understand how important some responsibilities are.