Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oatmeal. Oatmeal is cool.

Today is National Oatmeal Month. I learned this by searching for the cooking time of rolled oats. I'm incredibly loving the texture of the rolled oats I got from the bulk aisle at Sprouts (99 cents a pound, y'all!), mixed with Kerrygold butter and pure dark maple syrup (Sprouts brand). OMG. OMG to the max. It didn't take much longer to cook than the quick oats - instead of cooking for one minute, I cooked them for like, three, about when the water evaporated. I used a cup of oats and a cup and a quarter of water since I knew I'd be cooking them longer. Total om nom nom nom more.

More links to oatmeal goodness:

Wiki on oats

You're Doing It Wrong: Granola

Warm Up With a Healthier Bowl of Oatmeal

Blueberry Banana Oat Bread

Ooh - National Oatmeal Monday is coming up!!
Oatmeal: True Comfort Food

I have a bag of award-winning Bob's Red Mill steel cut oats in our pantry and so can't wait to go all nom. I've had McCann's Irish Oatmeal (also steel cut oats) before but Bob's was $2.99 for 24 oz. at Sprouts (I heart Sprouts) so meh. Very seriously considering ordering from Bob's here.

And now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!

Incidentally, my most favorite Sprockets clip is so disturbing, but it's so awesome. It features Kyle MacLachlan, for Einstein's beautiful and angular sake. Hubby and I watched "Dune" over the weekend, so I had to find this clip online. Now I am as happy as a little girl.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Size shouldn't matter.

Besides, it's not the length that matters, it's the girth and how you use it. Ahem.

If you don't already know about the awesomeness that is Nancy Upton, see:

Dallas Actress Nancy Upton's Creative Protest of American Apparel's Plus-Size Model Search 

exclusive: nancy upton takes on size, style, and american apparel

Personally, I believe that women are beautiful regardless of size. I'm easily frustrated because I can't work out like I used to on account of post exertional malaise from several illnesses, but I also believe that it's possible to be zaftig and fit.

Long rambling short, size shouldn't matter. Health should. 

Without further comment aside from IT'S ABOUT TIME!, see:

A victory for curvy ladies: Ann Summers' competition to find 'real woman' to front campaign is won by only plus-size finalist

'Most runway models meet the BMI criteria for anorexia', claims plus-size magazine in powerful comment on body image in the fashion industry 


The movers are hauling our big stuff over to the new place in three days and we are not ready for that yet. Not fully. So much stuff.... so much crappy little stuff... aaaah!!!!!

Lots of incredibly annoying and very wonderful things have happened lately. Here's what I can think of to relate at the moment due to brain-dead mind:

- Played phone tag with hubby's health insurance company for a solid week re: location and authorization for a procedure on a special machine

- Had health procedure, which went mostly smoothly except for the machine stopping before the testing was finished (naturally this was the first time ever that this had happened with the machine), and am waiting for results

- Got a few nibbles and a few rejections re: full time jobs

- Indirectly got hubby another art gig via holiday card awesomesauce

- Got hubby a replacement wedding band two sizes smaller due to him losing 20-25 pounds from free weights and eating more healthfully (he's discovered he likes at least three types of apples plus very badly wants to try a ripe apricot! major fruit progress!)

- Lost a few pounds then gained it back from not sleeping much or well and snacking more on delicious chocolate-toffee goodness

- Saw one of my Sims adopt a wild horse and am happy that he's making progress with inviting the local raven unicorn into his household

- Got very pissed that Dublin Dr Pepper is no longer being made on account of corporate douchebaggery

- Decided I need to get the Samsung Galaxy Note when it hits, instead of waiting for the iPhone 5

That's all for now. Back to packing in a few minutes.