It's been a long time since I've posted anything, but my life has been a bit wonky. I've been spending a stupid crazy amount of time each day networking and reading up on photography this-and-that, while kind of tidying the homestead, while preparing more meals from scratch. The meal prep has been fun (my husband discovered he likes cauliflower as well as broccoli - woah!) but the tidying.... eh, kinda weak. I've also been organizing files on a new computer but it's going sloowwwwly on account of brutally hacking through photos I don't need to keep. I only have 13,020 left to weed through.
A nice thing about having this time to catch up with life things is that it might make good book fodder. I've noticed that my last few jobs have involved working during a time when whatever organization was transitioning through 40 years of whatever. I'm currently almost 38, I'm in this transition mush with wanting to do photography full time somehow, and I'm reading a great book about the two halves of life. With experiencing the 40ish year transition personally now, I think writing a perspectives book would be neat. If only I could fast-forward through this chrysalis gunky not-quite-gelled part.... :)
I have a book of poetry ready to be published but some of the poems really really suck since they were written forever ago. Gotta go through that again. I also need to go through two books I started writing years ago and continue with those. Plus write more for another book I have in mind. Plus help someone with a screenplay. Plus figure out where I'm headed in life, which is not so bad since I'm giving myself till 40 to get that done.
I need a 52 hour day every day.